Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Anthony Bourdain, Asshole.

"They make for bad travellers and bad're unwilling to try things so personally and so are proud of and so generous with. I don't understand that, and I think it's rude."

Chef Anthony Bourdain on vegetarians.

Talk about lack of perspective. It's all about "them" and "their fault".


deviousdiv said...

Hmmm yes his vitriol towards vegetarians is uncalled for- but I do see his point of view.

After all, it is the height of insulting- to turn down someone's humble (if strange) offering of food, given the amount of time and effort they must have put into preparing said food.

Its happend in our home- although in reverse. A guest who had come home for Diwali didn't want to eat my mother's lovingly prepared saddhi because it had no meat in it. >-<

The best way is to just show up for post-dinner drinks. No eating- problem solved. ;)

~devious Vegetarian Div

deviousdiv said...

Forgot to add- I've given up on Wordpress- after it started asking me to pay for minor changes to the site. I'm back on


Caustic Yoda said...

No. How about the fact that the meat eater is offending the vegetarian too - killing a defenseless animal and offering it as food? A lot of people find that offensive. Just the thought, forget about the meat.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I am not taking the moral highground, I just refuse to dumbly concede that subjective piece of real estate to assholes like Bourdain.