Saturday, May 14, 2011

Porn Laden

No, that is *not* the description used by the police when they confiscated my hard drive.

As I recently reported, Osama bin Laden had porn stashed away in his hideout. This raises many grave questions of much import. (There is a place in life for tautology)

What would constitute Osama porn? A full ninja-suit with a hint of the ankle or the wayward, exposed chin? Or perhaps a full ninja suit with just a hint of flashy pink lace on the hem? Pretty boys (I am being neither facetious nor insulting: read this)? Goats? What is the appropriate role for an AK-47 in this kind of porn? What will constitute the "money shot?"

In that lone picture of him watching something on TV, sitting on the floor with his back to the camera, he looks a tad chubby. I bet there were some Big Beautiful Latinas porn DVDs there. I bet it was volume 7.

The tragedy is that, had it been known that bin Laden was porn laden, some bunch of men - American marines, Pakistani intelligence agents, Afghan goatherds, possibly even boy bands - would have found him *way* earlier.

There are other questions, too. Why would a man with three, or possibly five, wives need porn? Perhaps this is a pointless question as the right answer is that men will always letch and ogle.

Bye now, I am stepping out for some letch and ogle.


Anonymous said...

Letchery and Ogling is not a manly pre-occupation, according to the porn peddlers in Jakarta.

Everytime I was out with girlfriends, we were approached with the classic sales line, "wan porn?" & "good quality video mum".

So where did Bin Laden get all that porn? His wives bought it for him from Jakarta. He he he


Anitha said...

whats the point in having 6 wives where he can't bang when he wants living in a rat hole.