Saturday, May 14, 2011

Troll model

I may or may not have strong feelings about the man formerly alive as Osama bin Laden. But once again, in someone's death, we find the basic bonds of humanity that... well... bond us together.

Excerpts include:

"The pornography recovered in Osama's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, consists of modern, electronically recorded video and is fairly extensive..."


"Specifically, the officials said they did not know if Osama himself had acquired or viewed the materials." To which I say, what are the officials smoking? Of course he did.

and further on

"Reports from Abbottabad have said that Osama's compound was cut off from the Internet or other hard-wired communications networks. It is unclear how compound residents would have acquired the pornography." Are these people morons? There is nothing that will stop men from gaining access to porn. Why did you think men - yes, I am sure in these cases it was men, not women - invented the telephone or the television? For heaven's sake did Graham Bell want to speak to his deaf mom? No, he wanted to hear the heavy breathing of his neighbor, babysitter or possibly somebody running for vice-president. 

The only thing that makes money on the Internet is porn. Definitely not highbrow tattling, such as this blog.

I rest my case.

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