Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So much for the 1% cowering at the protests of the 99%. I think the key figure might be 9%.

Yes. That's right. The august body that publishes the "Australian Romance Report", somehow linked to the purveyors of the Mills and Boons crap, have said that 91% of women prefer not to get e-mail or text messaged "I love you's". Such is the joy one is force-fed on Valentine's Day, which was roundly protested, as usual in many parts of the world.

But kidding aside, do you see the silver lining? 9% of women are satisfied with a not-in-person "I love you". Woohoo.

But then reality sets in. Discounting the too-young, the too-old, the too-stupid and lesbians, I artbitrarily arrive at 1% as the number of appropriately-aged, smart, sexaaaay and straight women that readers and writers of this important news-related website can pursue.

The human race is doomed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

given that, judging by the comments on your posts, the readers of this website are mostly women - were they to pursue the said 1% - the writers (all 6 personalities I guessing from the use of the plural or is it an extension of the royal 'we') of this blog would be doomed indeed.